
Overnight Open Thread

Soona'5/17/2009 7:52:37 am PDT

re: #362 realwest

Why on earth would I need to save up my pennies? We didn’t make any wager that I can recall!
It’s shit like that, that makes me remember that the NFL is all about MONEY and NOTHING BUT MONEY.
Sheesh, I’m old enough to remember Paul Hornung and Alex Karras truly paying incredible prices for even being associated with gambling and here this s.o.b. Vick, who purposesly raised dogs to kill other dogs for fun and profit (and iirc, there was some gambling around those Dog Fights) is getting out early and - no doubt - getting another contract to play pro-ball.
Fucker ought to stay locked up for another 4-5 years, at least.

I’m with you, real. Anyone who did the kinds of things to innocent animals that Vick did have a sickness inside themselves that should never be exposed to society at large. His crime, I believe, is just as dispicible as any chronic child abuser.