
Video: Birth of a Climate Denier Talking Point

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/08/2009 9:03:39 pm PDT

re: #332 William

re: #372 William

My “homework” on this topic was performed in college. There are no “talking points” in Geology and Astronomy coursework, just science.

I’ve stated the facts, ignore them if you will…

No you have stated mistruths and half understandings.

Your assertions are frankly bogus. In your coursework and aquired expertise, had you taken eh time to study basic physics you would know that CO2 absorbs IR and that thermodynamics is real and that energy is conserved.

You would also realize that if you dump gigatons of CO2 into the atmosphere year after year then of necessity, your planet must warm.

Had you remembered your undergraduate astronomy better, you would know what happened to Venus. Had you learned your undergraduate Geology better, you woll know that there are many ways to start a cooling or warming trend, and you would know that the current one is indeed caused by us because the others causes from teh geological record had been ruled out. You would also know that from the geological record that teh rapid warming we are experiencing now happened in an eye blink compared to other “natural” causes.

Finally you would know from atmospheric measurements that the atmosphere is heating from the lowest levels out. That proves that the concentrations at the lowest levels - the ones we caused - are doing the heating. Had it been the other way around it might have been the Sun. But, it is not. This is actually a smoking gun.