
Arizona's Official State Gun

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus4/20/2011 9:52:01 pm PDT

re: #367 Gus 802

I’d be happy to create a small art installation piece for a sum of $500,000.

Maybe I should get started on my art grant.

Heh, go for it.

I’ve thought about ways to record images so they last for centuries. Digital images will be impossible to retrieve when civilization collapses (which will happen, as it’s done before.) Even the best inkjet prints will be long gone after a century or two, which is also true of many “traditional” photographs.

One thought I had was ion deposition onto a base of clay made from aluminum oxide (ruby, sapphire stuff - very hard) and titanium oxide (pretty indestructible.) Expensive but would last.

Those Mesopotamians were pretty clever - some of their bean counting is still around, 6000 years later.