
McCain's Senior Adviser: Palin Candidacy Would Be 'Catastrophic'

Charles Johnson10/03/2009 9:05:04 am PDT

re: #369 scrubjay

She would repeat the “Reagan effect” whereby she brings the middle to the right.

Sarah Palin is going to bring the middle to the right? You’ve got to be joking. And comparing Sarah “Death Panels” Palin to Ronald Reagan? Good grief.

Palin’s entire appeal is to the far right. She was responsible for turning off the vast majority of centrists who might have been inclined to vote for McCain otherwise. This isn’t even in question. She was brought into the McCain campaign for one reason only — to appeal to the extreme religious right, and get people like James Dobson to drop their opposition to McCain.

Palin is going to appeal to the middle? That’s my first real laugh of the day.