
Overnight Open Thread

haakondahl7/02/2009 3:54:43 am PDT

re: #373 iceweasel

Well, we talk infrequently right now. Mind you, I’m not saying that there IS jealousy on his part, more that I think he’d feel a small twinge and I’d like to spare him that.

(BTW, he’s dealt very well with me seeing other people since the breakup, so it’s not like that. I have this idea, perhaps unfounded, that this would hurt his feelings though, if I thank him and it’s the wrong guy)

Meh, I’m sure i’m worrying about this a lot more than I need to.

So then the other guy? And you may not need to respond at all. I’m not finding the appropriate response to “Vaguely Romantic Independence Day Bouquet” in my Pip-Boy.