
Overnight Open Thread

sattv4u26/15/2010 9:43:06 am PDT

re: #375 Nimed

That TNR leans left on economic issues (though it supported the wars abroad, for instance) is no secret. But I believe Jon Chait can be pretty objective in his assessments. Besides, what would be the hidden motive of predicting a Democratic bloodbath?

By getting out on front of the parade TNR can have it’s cake and eat it too

IF the dems lose (in a bloodbath) they can say, “see ,, we’re fair,, we said it could happen
IF the dems do not lose then they can say, “Well, that was just one contributors opinion. Our internal polls showed ,,yadda yadda”

It will be interesting to see what TNR’s official editorial staffs position will be