
We Got Mail! (And the Door Opens) - Update: The Door Closes

Charles Johnson2/16/2009 2:38:00 pm PST

re: #383 LynnfromNZ

I’d agree, I’m pretty religious too, and conservative. I really enjoy 95% of what Ann Coulter writes, not because she calls herself a Christian — of course I don’t know the state of Ann’s or anybody’s soul, but frankly she doesn’t strike me as someone who has the same take on Christianity that I do — but because she’s very funny, witty and the majority of the time absolutely right.

I have no interest in racists, gussied up or otherwise, but that doesn’t mean we have to disregard everything Ann writes. I can ignore that and enjoy — and learn from — much else that she writes.

Nobody’s perfect, let’s not shoot Ann just because she has her blind spots. Most of what she writes is dead-on accurate.

Sorry, I could not disagree more. Ann Coulter is a plague on the conservative movement, a one-woman discrediting machine. She turns off FAR more people than she enchants, with her lovely statements — such as calling John Edwards “a faggot.”

She’s a bigot and an embarrassment, and now she’s been exposed as a person who makes excuses for white supremacist groups.