
Saturday Afternoon Hope-a-Dope

Desert Dog1/24/2009 2:52:28 pm PST

re: #357 nyc redneck

i love how pres. bush was unfazed by these assh*les.
they couldn’t get to him.
he is a good person w/ a good heart.

by contrast, look at the negative strident o in his 1st 4 days.

I supported GWB and I voted for him twice. But, more than a few of his decisions bothered me and I feel he made many mistakes while in office. I think history will be kinder to him than the current negative opinion that seems to be hanging around his neck. He may have been wrong on somethings, but I get the feeling from him that he did the things he thought were good for the country, even though it was unpopular. He used his conscience and his belief in his sworn duty to make decisions. I fear that we have another President now that has no beliefs and will move his morals and “core beliefs” as the opinion polls and image makers dictate. We better get used to another non-stop campaign a-la Clinton with President Obama….he will think more about how he will do in the opinion polls and the salons of the Upper Westside when he makes a decision than what’s in his heart. Perhaps I am wrong, but I do not a see man with deep beliefs sitting in the White House at this time. I see a shallow egomaniac.