
We Got Mail! (And the Door Opens) - Update: The Door Closes

LynnfromNZ2/16/2009 3:04:56 pm PST

re: #385 Charles

I can’t conceive of somebody saying “Gee, I’d really like to be a conservative, I find a lot of resonance in their beliefs and philosophy with my own thinking, but I just can’ get past Ann Coulter, so I’ll keep voting for liberals.”

Ann doesn’t “discredit” anything, she has her way of expressing herself and I have mine and you have yours, that’s window dressing, what matters is the underlying truth or falsity of what we say. And Ann’s almost always truthful.

Sure she’s abrasive and opinionated, and she writes things I wouldn’t write, but her facts are almost always in order and hey, she’s a conservative guilty pleasure — there’s a small part of me that goes “Yeah, go get ‘em , Ann!” when she swings the hatchet at liberals the way liberals take it as a matter of course that they can swing hatchets at conservatives.

Wrong of me, yes; I should be bigger than that, I know, but it’s a bit of a thrill to see one of ours be fearless instead of tied up in knots over how to placate and pay fealty to liberals lest we’re “perceived” wrongly by people who are looking for ways to mischaracterize us. Ann’s got Martin Luther’s attitude — you’re going to sin no matter what you do, so sin boldly. There’s something refreshing about that, especially when she isn’t afraid to go after the liberal sacred cows.

That’s why this CCC thing you brought up surprises me, it’s the first time I’ve seen her be factually wrong about something this big.