
Overnight Open Thread

ladycatnip4/28/2009 12:12:32 am PDT

27 redc1c4

Isn’t it fabulous how Obama has reconciled with our enemies and put fear into the hearts of Americans? Does any image illustrate so neatly the wrongheadedness of the Obama administration than Americans scrambling in terror from Air Force One?

The brain-dead mentality of the msm and his loyal koolaid drinking followers should make heads explode. This stunt is unconscionable. Apologies should NOT be accepted, and whomever gave the thumbs-up for this should be fired. Can you imagine if a republican WH did this? Front page for weeks; New Yorker’s would demand compensation for therapy and PTSD. Lawsuits, media circus - it would be a stinkin media frenzy.

But this stunt in Obama’s WH? A big fat yawn.