
Overnight Open Thread

Slumbering Behemoth Stinks4/02/2010 12:03:09 am PDT

Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction… and sometimes wingnut paranoia isn’t all that paranoid…

Obama Signs Law To Limit Type, Number Of Firearms Per Home

In an historic move to expand gun control legislation, President Barack Obama has signed a bill to impose unprecedented limitations on privately owned firearms.

Hand gun enthusiasts will not be alone in their outrage at the passage of this bill. Though the bill bans all private ownership of hand guns, it also severely limits the types and number of rifles (including shotguns) to one per household, and the amount ammunition to thirty-three rounds per household. Gunsmithing equipment will also be strictly regulated and registered under the new law.

Attorney General Eric Holder stated that this new legislation will be “implemented by local authorities” at first, then followed up by a new “dedicated, federal task force” in the coming months.

Full article here.