
Some Christians Angry at Obama's 'Nonbelievers' Statement

Charles Johnson1/25/2009 10:22:48 am PST

And a very good point from that article:

The controversy over Byron Excelsior’s lessons on Islam has quickly become a rallying cry for several Religious Right groups, many of whom have expressed indignation over the inclusion of Islamic teachings in a public school classroom. TV preacher Pat Robertson’s American Center for Law and Justice, for example, has called the activities an “outrage” and a “gross violation” of the law.

“It is ironic that the Religious Right would condemn religious lessons in a public school,” concluded AU’s Lynn. “I completely agree that these lessons appear to be unconstitutional, but I always thought Religious Right leaders wanted more religion in schools, not less. I guess this demonstrates that when they argue for more religion in the classroom, what they really want is their version of Christianity.”
