
Fox Covers the Olympics: Gabby Douglas Has 'Lost That Jingoistic Feeling'

Patricia Kayden8/06/2012 5:28:57 pm PDT

re: #293 LudwigVanQuixote

Good post. But it’s not just Black women who are the target of the racism. The Right has gone after immigrants (to them all Mexicans), women (remember Sandra Fluke?), and Muslims (and I guess anyone who can be mistaken for Muslims, i.e., Sikhs, Brown people).

The Right has an “us” against “them” mentality where they’ll spew pure hatred at anyone outside their circle. If Michelle was White and married to a Democratic President, she’d still be a target — look at the nasty comments about Hilary Clinton (remember Limbaugh calling Chelsea a dog?).

It’s just ugly out there.