
The Attack of the 2012 Iowa Caucus

goddamnedfrank1/03/2012 7:18:30 pm PST

re: #320 Dark_Falcon

Right now Gingrich is more than 9% behind Romney, and Luap Nor is only 2% ahead. So Romney’s right in this thing, and Newt isn’t. Have faith.

I’m wondering how you’re reconciling your return to supporting Romney with these recent past statements you made:

His use of footage of Obama wasn’t quite as bad as what Grayson did, but it was very bad in my eyes. It’ll prevent me from voting for Romney in the primary, since I don’t support that sort of dishonesty. Mitt seems to have his eyes too closely focused on the prize, to the exclusion of principles and honesty.

Seems like Romney’s dishonesty only disqualified him in your eyes as long as you thought you might have a viable alternative. I mean, it’s not like he’s suddenly become trustworthy or demonstrated anything remotely resembling integrity.

It seemed like it was ‘his turn’ and he seemed electable. My problem with him has become that he stands for nothing but a desire to be president. In that regard, he’s worse than Gingrich, and worse than Obama as well. Both Barack and Newt want to be president because they have things they want to do and they need the presidency to enact them. Romney seems to just want to be president.

Don’t worry, now that you’re out of options I won’t hold out for any further examples of the above kind of candor. Still, it’s very strange for you to specifically say one day that an overt act of dishonesty will prevent you from voting for a candidate, rip that candidate (accurately) for being nothing more than politically expedient wind sock ruled by nothing more than personal desire for office, and then later return to supporting that same candidate. It’s almost like you were putting up some kind of facade, a pretense of actually having standards.