
Romney Testified in 2002 That He Attended Bain Board Meetings

goddamnedfrank7/13/2012 9:37:29 am PDT

re: #390 wrenchwench

Mitt’s story doesn’t add up
What Romney said a decade ago makes a lot more sense than what he’s saying now

This is the last paragraph. Read it all to see how he reaches this conclusion.

Good find. So far the fact checkers haven’t addressed the ballot commission testimony, any it demands an entire revisiting of Romney’s stated history. His 2011 declaration to the federal election commission now appears to be totally false with regards to when he really broke with Bain. If he was fully intending to return to Bain, as he said in 2002, then it makes sense to believe that he kept himself dialed in with regards to the key decision making process at Bain. Hell, even if he lied in 2002 and never intended to return we now know that it was his name signed under oath and therefore his reputation and neck on the line if anything went south, therefore one would have to believe he was nominally “involved.”

I think it was the Stericycle deal that made him demand the retroactive departure from Bain, and nothing to do with outsourcing. Outsourcing wasn’t that huge a political albatross in 2002, compared with today anyway. However,once he’d decided to seek the GOP nomination for the Mass governorship and saw national ambitions beyond that he felt the need to distance himself as far from Stericycle, and their disposal of aborted fetuses, as possible.