
Video: Trump Surrogate Cites Japanese Internment Camps as "Precedent" for Muslim Registry

electrotek11/17/2016 9:58:00 am PST

re: #388 HappyWarrior

Yeah, I threw my full support behind Kerry too and it was seeing how many on the left bitched about Kerry not being pure enough soured me. Funny you bring up Clark because it was Michael Moore supporting him for the same reasons you describe yourself as having done so that made me think less of Moore given how he loves to sell himself as Mr. Ideals. But yeah that was a great lesson.

I didn’t pay too much attention to what the left said about Kerry, because I was fixated on proving conservatives about Kerry and his military service.

The smears against him, comparing him to Jane Fonda, it was fucked up.

Now fast-forward 12 years later, I don’t give a fuck what Jane Fonda did in 1973. It was over 4 decades ago, get the fuck over it. If you curse Jane Fonda, but praise William Calley, then you are the problem.