
Overnight Bird

lawhawk11/18/2009 7:42:06 am PST

re: #372 iceweasel

And that once again highlights that the problem isn’t Gitmo in and of itself, but that Gitmo is a representation of the Bush Administration, and the Obama Administration is contorting itself into pretzels to show that it is doing something differently than the Bush Administration on the issue, even if the end result is potentially disastrous (such as holding trials for some, tribunals for others, which could undermine both processes and mire the whole detainee program in a legal mess that will continue to drag on for years). As the Obama Administration keeps saying, there’s some guys who will never be released, and yet we’re to believe that KSM can get a fair trial in NY federal court, even after Obama thinks he’s going to be convicted? Sorry, but the Obama logic fails miserably (and he is a con law expert?) .