
Pat Buchanan: Tea Parties Are a 'New Tribe Rising'

Lidane4/20/2010 1:09:30 pm PDT

re: #67 Renaissance_Man

It’s becoming apparent that public statements such as this, and the endless pushing and prodding that Rush, Beck, and the Conservative blogosphere indulge in every day, are pushing the envelope of dissent into borderline, or not so borderline, sedition and treason.

And they’re doing it for the most pathetically partisan reason of all — they lost an election.

These same assholes spent the previous eight years saying that any criticism of the President or of the American government was the moral equivalent of siding with Al Qaeda, and that anyone who had a dissenting viewpoint hated America and wanted the terrorists to win. Now that they’re out of power, they’re talking about revolution. Fuck them and their blatantly cynical, hypocritical bullshit.