
No pressure geography puzzle

Last Mohican4/13/2009 1:12:29 pm PDT

re: #2 kawfytawk

Holy shit, you’re right. Look at their home page. The first thing on it is the cover story in the current issue of “Rethinking Schools,” called “The Duncan Myth.” Here’s their synopsis:

Secretary of Education Arne Duncan’s tenure as CEO of Chicago Public Schools show that he’s more corporate drone than populist administrator, according to the authors of Rethinking Schools’ cover story.

This is an eyewitness account of how Duncan’s policies—from the destruction of neighborhood schools to the creation of an unprecedented number of military high schools—destabilized the lives of students, teachers, families, and communities.

Need I go on to quote from “Teaching For Joy and Justice,” the sequel to author Linda Christensen’s popular “Reading, Writing, and Rising Up”? I realize that last title sounds like a hilarious caricature of left-wing indoctrination in public schools, but I didn’t make it up.

If you really want to make yourself sick, read their “War, Terrorism and Our Classrooms: A Rethinking Schools Special Report.” Or “The Palestinian Uprising: A Primer.” Or, better still, search for William Ayers or Bernadette Dorn, and note how many articles they have written for these people.

This is flat-out sickening, truly nauseating stuff. How the hell did Silvergirl stumble into this cesspool?