
Instapundit: 'Shoeshine Boy' Picture Not Racist

Charles Johnson1/03/2010 9:54:42 am PST

re: #36 webevintage

Oh, whatever Glenn you tool.
I was a maid once, I’m white, so I guess that means that if someone made a picture of Michelle Obama in a maid uniform cleaning Palin’s floors on her hands and knees would not be racist too.

I’m really getting sick of adults who grew up in the last 20 or 30 years being surprised that something is considered racist that even my 17 year old can look and go “wow, that’s pretty offensive”.

What next, will they tell us that it’s ok to call the President a “Porch Monkey” because monkeys are funny and they never heard of a black person being compared to a monkey and “why would a monkey sit on a porch?” ?

They already do that. And another common response is, “What about those Bush-chimp pictures? Were those racist too?”

I’m convinced that people who use these kinds of arguments are very well aware that they’re being dishonest.