
Overnight Open Thread

researchok2/08/2011 4:05:41 am PST

re: #39 freetoken

So, I’ve been wondering if I should go back to school, as my other plans just haven’t come to fruition, and look like they never will.

Academia is so bad - it specializes in killing interests.

Plus it is a rip-off.

Textbooks doubly triply so.

Yet I always regretted not getting the Ph.D. Probably I’m just going through a late mid-life could-a-would-a-should-a phase…

Anyway, as I’m checking out what’s what in colleges these days I’m astonished at the prices. Now, graduate students normally depend upon stipends, but with the revanchist dominated GOP wanting to deep six the government support for R&D and education I think many schools will be in trouble.

In looking at graduate school acceptance/application ratios for the past year I notice a tremendous number of schools have a very low acceptance rate - applications look like they really went up during the recession.

What area are you interested in?