
Is St. Louis County Prosecutor Robert McCulloch Helping Raise Money for Ofc. Darren Wilson?

Gus9/15/2014 10:12:57 am PDT

re: #348 lawhawk

Drudge headline in tweet - “Koran books” found along border.

[Embedded content]

The story itself makes no mention of Korans but alleges that Muslim items were found. No photos or other evidence. Let’s just say I’m suspect that this is what they’re claiming.

Never mind that Midland, Texas is about 200 miles to the border. Yet, the sheriff there is claiming the following:

Yet, where’s the actual evidence of these alerts, warnings, texts, or other statements.

What’s more troubling is that ISIS could quite likely get a convert in the US to come over to their worldview, and that person would then carry out attacks - all without having to bother with a border crossing.

It’s the lone wolf scenario, which is far more difficult for LEOs to detect. But to Fox, it’s all about securing the border - even though no one among them offers up how to pay for any/all of it.

Good lord what a stupid report. Relying on an interview of some nutty sheriff by Fox News.