
Overnight Open Thread

Pianobuff6/22/2009 6:42:03 am PDT

re: #398 Spare O’Lake

What’s with all this pretended concern by Obama about being made a scapegoat by the Iranian mullahs? It is as phony as a 3 dollar bill.

Keep in mind that Khameini has ALREADY blamed the US for meddling in the election. So the issue is already moot.
Obama claims to be very concerned about being used by the mullahs, presumably to avoid being held to account for their own wrongdoings. So with a smirk and a knowing wink, he pretends that his lack of condemnation of the corrupt electoral process is actually in the best interests of the Iranian people. What a crock.

Only a lily-livered gutless coward would allow his own words and deeds to be dictated by such a concern, instead of saying and doing what he believes to be in the best interests of the US? Surely Obama is not a weakling!

Actually, I believe it is more likely that Obama has no concerns about the US being made a scapegoat. I think he is instead cynically holding his tongue in order to keep the door open to futute negotiations with the mullahs, if, as he believes in his dhimmified mind, they should be successfull in retaining power.

And of course the MSM swallows the stink-bait - hook, line and sinker.

How’s this for a fantasy?

Remember Whoopi’s Oda May Brown character in the movie ghost that gets her body taken over by Swayze?

How about if Reagan similarly jumped into Obama’s body at the right times?