
Video: O'Reilly Interrupts President Obama 48 Times

Renaissance_Man2/09/2011 4:59:03 pm PST

re: #394 moderatelyradicalliberal

O’Reilly forgot that the Super Bowl audience was not his usual FNC audience. This was half the country watching, not a few million 65 year olds with No Spin Zone door mats. The President came across as intelligent, reasonable and likeable. O’Reilly came off as a jerk to tens of millions of people who had never heard of him before or watched his show.

You’d have to hope so. I honestly don’t know. The Conservative cult media narrative has so poisoned public knowledge I can’t really tell.

Sure, we know that members of the cult sitting at home heard “I’m a Muslim and my religion influences my presidency so much that I want to destroy this nation and kill every one of you personally.” But they will hear that no matter what he says.

As for the rest of the nation, I can’t tell. I can’t remember the last person I talked to who didn’t believe at least one completely false cultie talking point. Many had much more realistic views on most issues, but there was always at least one talking point that had wormed its way in. In a way it’s similar to how the gun issue has been decided - repeat the words ‘freedom’ and ‘rights’ enough, and the issue is won; decades of repetition and America has decided essentially unanimously that thousands of unnecessary deaths of men, women and children every year is an acceptable price to pay so a tiny minority of people can cuddle their guns to sleep.

It really is a little frightening how easily a repeated talking point or two that echoes in an all-powerful media can change the course of the most powerful nation on earth. I fear that the influence of the Conservative cult media goes far beyond the tiny minority of cultists that they own.