
Video: Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Visits Occupy Wall Street

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)11/04/2011 6:51:57 pm PDT

re: #408 Guanxi88

The state of war exists, internally and externally, in all states.

No, it doesn’t. Can you explain this incredibly bizarre assertion?

You demand a standard of perfection unattainable in human institutions, and therefore, you are content with a punishment that is, at worst, confinement until such time as the convict shall have aged or gained a sufficient number of sympathetic NPR types to petition for his release.

Yes. And your’e unwilling to accept that, and so you’d rather have innocent people die than have life imprisonment be the punishment for murder. Our positions are clear. I’d rather that murderers simply be locked up for the rest of their lives, because using the death penalty inevitably means innocent people will die.

I’ll just ignore the moronic “sympathetic NPR types” idiocy.