
Overnight Open Thread

_RememberTonyC6/22/2009 6:46:26 am PDT

re: #407 MandyManners

I’ve decided not to get The Kid a Grivet monkey for his birthday. The price of $4,500.00 is kinda’ steep but, a few moments ago I stood on the balcony that overlooks the entryway and imagined the monkey leaping from it onto the chandelier, and knocking down all those pretty lead-cyrstal drops and balls. I could even hear them explode as they dropped.

I next saw the chandelier-repair guy on his ladder, calculating what it would cost for his hourly rate is as well as the cost of replacing each one. I then gazed across the entryway down into the dining room where I could see the monkey climbing the china cabinet, then leaping off it onto the other chandelier. My left eye started twitching at that point.

(It would make for an interesting show-and-tell next year since I think he’d be the only one to bring a monkey. Well, one of his best buddies’ ranch has a flock of peacocks but his mom doesn’t want him to bring one to school.)

Now, maybe a pygmy goat….

Here in Connecticut, we had a really bad story about a primate/pet who mangled a poor woman almost to death. get your son a puppy … or better yet …. a goldfish :)