
Overnight Open Thread

Gus6/24/2011 8:48:04 am PDT

So I’m looking at the news this morning and eyeballed this local moonbat cause. Apparently it’s against PG&Es Smart Meters. First we have this:

Capitola Council votes not to enforce SmartMeter moratorium

CAPITOLA - In February, when the City Council passed a moratorium on SmartMeter installations for 2011, it acknowledged it was mostly symbolic.

The California Public Utilities Commission has sole authority over Pacific Gas & Electric Co., and city staff informed the Council enforcement would be an issue.


About 12 people spoke against SmartMeters citing health concerns, for humans and animals, from the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the wireless signal. In the past, customers have claimed the meters are inaccurate.

“Thousands of Californians have reported health problems after SmartMeter installations,” Stop Smart Meters! Director Joshua Hart said.

PG&E rejects both claims, saying SmartMeters are more accurate than the old meters, and their overall wireless transmission levels are much lower than cell phones.


And here’s there website:

Stop Smart Meters!

The smart meter debacle is a huge threat to our health, safety, privacy, and wallet. But it is also an opportunity and a teachable moment about the dangers of wireless technology, corporate control, and false solutions to a looming climate catastrophe. With your help, we can work toward a truly sustainable, equitable and democratic energy system, and new wireless standards that will put human and environmental health before profit. The ‘smart’ meter fight has brought about new, unlikely political alliances. We plan on strengthening these new ties for the battles to come.

At first I thought the opposition would be more on the Tea Party end. Instead I learned it was on the moonbat end.