
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel2/19/2010 12:44:43 am PST

re: #37 Gus 802

Fuck John Derbyshire. If one suddenly finds themselves in the midst of an armed ambush in a place we don’t expect there isn’t much people can do even if they’re armed themselves. Life isn’t a Rambo movie or any number of westerns were the good guy is the fastest gun in the west. Look at the police massacre that took place in Seattle last year. The officers were well armed and trained.

Derb is a tool who has also proclaimed that it’s ‘natural’ for adult men to want to fuck tennage girls, and I believe he puts the upper limit for female ‘fuckability’ at about 22.

Here is his wisdom on Va Tech (titled “the Spirit of Self-Defense)

As NRO’s designated chickenhawk, let me be the one to ask: Where was the spirit of self-defense here? Setting aside the ludicrous campus ban on licensed conceals, why didn’t anyone rush the guy? It’s not like this was Rambo, hosing the place down with automatic weapons. He had two handguns for goodness’ sake—one of them reportedly a .22.

At the very least, count the shots and jump him reloading or changing hands. Better yet, just jump him. Handguns aren’t very accurate, even at close range. I shoot mine all the time at the range, and I still can’t hit squat. I doubt this guy was any better than I am. And even if hit, a .22 needs to find something important to do real damage—your chances aren’t bad.

Yes, yes, I know it’s easy to say these things: but didn’t the heroes of Flight 93 teach us anything? As the cliche goes—and like most cliches. It’s true—none of us knows what he’d do in a dire situation like that. I hope, however, that if I thought I was going to die anyway, I’d at least take a run at the guy.