
Romney Testified in 2002 That He Attended Bain Board Meetings

Targetpractice7/12/2012 7:22:07 pm PDT

re: #38 What, me worry?

Well he created jobs. Just not U.S. jobs, which is part of the problem. But then he didn’t do much different than so many other conglomerates. The difference is, he’s running for President, of course.

With the boneheads who reside in my lovely state, I have to wonder how much of it gets through. And Romney didn’t do anything criminal.

That’s the point, he did nothing illegal because companies like Bain have used their billions in clout to rewrite the rules in their favor. His opponents hit him time and time again with the reality that he was a corporate raider, a vulture capitalist, who was pledged to only one goal: Providing the biggest payoff to investors, even if it meant ruining thousands of lives in the process.