
Louisiana Reaps What It Sowed

Salamantis2/14/2009 4:48:01 pm PST

re: #416 BBev

Ya da ya da ya da . ya that was one but how many happened maybe at the same time? you think that it was the one and only. I know about red shift please don’t try and educate me about it. Think the big picture and many many trillion’s of years

There IS NO ‘trillions’ of years. The Universe is 13.7 billion years old. matter-energy creates spacetime via gravitational curvature. So claiming that there is a ‘before’ the Big Bang is as absurd and nonsensical as claiming that there is an ‘outside’ the Universe.

And no, we only have echo radiation from ONE Big Bang. There exists no empirical evidence whatsoever for any others.

BTW: aren’t you the hysterical and execrable individual who swore to follow me from thread to thread and hound me off LGF some time ago?

Good luck with that.