
Saturday Afternoon Open

William Lewis9/17/2011 9:57:43 pm PDT

re: #412 Dark_Falcon

Reagan’s actions were far more than speeches. He built a military they could not afford to match while using Afghanistan to bleed the Red Army of troops and treasure. The pressure was brought to bear on multiple fronts and proved unbearable for the USSR. So i would argue Ronald Reagan played a major role in ending the Cold War.

No. Gorbachev did while playing Ronnie like a fiddle. He knew they couldn’t outspend us so he conned the cons into outspending ourselves. Do you remember the stupid threat assessments that the CIA issued annually? Full of lies generated by Moscow to make themselves look even stronger? So we’d spend still more money than we had to? Do you remember all the billions wasted on “Star Wars”? The Sgt York?

And Ronnie, with the brains of a hollywood actor, fell for it hook, line and sinker and, in the process, planted the seeds for our eventual destruction as a coherent nation state by setting up the Teabaggers in their theocratic fantasies and ignorance of science and economics.