
Obama Aide Denies Barack Bowed to Saudi King

Charles Johnson4/08/2009 5:09:24 pm PDT

re: #421 thebigolddog

Lowering your head to allow somebody to place a medal around your neck is nowhere near the equivalent of a subservient bow to a Sovereign as part of a formal greeting. What Bush did was nothing more than every Olympic athlete does who wins a medal. They make it easy for the presenter to accomplish their task. If you can find video of Bush bowing in similar circumstances then by all means show it and he will get the same condemnation. I doubt you’ll find such a video for had he done what Obama did, the Media would have killed him.

I don’t think the International Olympic Committee is in the business of putting women in black bags, or beheading people, or funding terrorism throughout the world.

Apart from those small points, excellent analogy.