
Rachel Maddow on the Violent Anti-Abortion Movement

McSpiff4/22/2011 8:32:31 am PDT

re: #423 Dark_Falcon

Legally, a lawfully armed citizen does not have to wait for an armed aggressor to fire first. No state requires “Do not fire unless fired upon” because that is simply impractical due the hitting power of modern firearms.

So in the case of someone suspected of being mentally disturbed, let’s go with the usual example of the ex-employee, walks into an office with a rifle or otherwise visibly armed. At what point do you open fire?

Sorry if it seems like I’m grilling you, but as you know, I’m Canadian. While I often hear about how concealed carry would stop random spree-killings like we all sorta seem to be discussing, I’m wondering how exactly a CC advocate would see it playing out in reality, both legally and from a personal moral stand point.