
Watch Live as Deluded Liberals Join Hands With Far Right Loons

Killgore Trout10/26/2013 11:06:22 am PDT

re: #34 Political Atheist

What amazes me is how little effort there is to seize the agenda back from the extremists. The Tea Party/Libertarians, the far left unilateral disarmament faction (as shown by the shut down the NSA crowd) the people who think a forestry drone with a heat camera at a wildfire is some threat to privacy… Birthers, truthers, dudebros.

We see this with the budget, the economy, the NSA, the ACA, the Patriot Act. >Nothing is getting done. We know the Patriot Act should have been sunsetted as promised. The middle meekly let the extremists & critics take away the terms conservative and liberal alike.

I think the establishment is very happy with the situation. These protest movement and dumb partisan activist culture keeps people pointing fingers in the wrong directions, keeps them busy and preoccupied.