
Mubarak Statement Expected Soon

Mad Prophet Ludwig2/10/2011 2:19:38 pm PST

re: #410 lostlakehiker

But in truth the odds were indeed impossible. Vespasian succeeded to the post of emperor, and a massive force under Titus converged on Jerusalem. Terms were offered, but the insurgents were fighting a Holy War and those aren’t decided by weighing the odds. The fight for Jerusalem became a preview of the battle of Stalingrad, with the difference that the defenders lost.

If the history of Judaism includes such contempt for the prospects of “a chance at a good job, food on the table, nice home and the ability to live their life”, then one can only conclude that any people can fall under the sway of messianic promises of victory in the here and now, never mind the odds.

Ohh really Vespasian was a good guy or the people butchered were just an accident?

And yes the Romans were offering warm meals and happy times, those silly Jews wanting their own nation free of the rule of corrupt slavers?