
Hate Mail of the Day

Mad Prophet Ludwig3/16/2011 9:51:34 pm PDT

The thing about Bagua that I don’t miss though was the endless sniveling twostep. The man had a pathological need to bee seen as reasonable even after he had come out with the most outrageous lies. He wold snivel and amble and twist and out and out lie about what he had said. Eventually he became a laughing sock for it.

It was called the Douchebagua twostep.

Like nothing was ever certain in science…

What about the Earth’s orbiting the sun…

I never denied that!

You said NOTHING was certain!

That is a law not some theory based on flawed data!

It’s a theory based on good data! A law is just a really well established theory or definition. It is also a law that energy is conserved. If you trap more sunlight, you must get warmer.

That is a leftist hoax! You are twisting my words! You are not a scientist! NO scientist ever says anything is 100% certain!

What about the Earth orbiting the Sun?

I am so oppressed! Charles Ludwig is being mean again! Make him stop! (cries , pouts, becomes a stalker….)

Such a moron.