
NPR: Digging the Depth of the NSA Phone Data Program

Rightwingconspirator6/07/2013 1:29:23 pm PDT

re: #431 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

That was analogy, not hyperbole. You are pro nuke overall, but really not at San Onofre. I have no intent to talk down to you at all. Your badgering style is fatiguing. Again your depression is just misplaced. And if I thought you were a wild haired greenie, well obviously you have no idea what I would write to someone who fit that description.

You never did address the issue of what the environmental and human costs are of replacing the San Onofre kilowatts with oil or gas or coal as compared to the risk of letting Edison restart at 70% like they wanted to for 5 months to learn the best solution. I think we are worse off at this point.

If I apply your logic about Edison to Boeing, would you have also distrusted Boeing engineers to fix the battery on the new model and the FAA? I see a good parallel. A for profit corporate giant has a flawed design subject to government oversight for the fix.