
Friday Night Music: Jimmy Wahlsteen, '181st Song'

Charles Johnson12/18/2009 9:03:02 pm PST

This is the page Morrissey is linking to — and it blatantly misrepresents the actual wording of the statute: Virginia Code § 18.2-32.2 - Killing a fetus; penalty - Virginia Virginia Code § 18.2-32.2 - Killing a fetus; penalty - Virginia Code :: Justia

A. Any person who unlawfully, willfully, deliberately, maliciously and with premeditation kills the fetus of another is guilty of a Class 2 felony.

B. Any person who unlawfully, willfully, deliberately and maliciously kills the fetus of another is guilty of a felony punishable by confinement in a state correctional facility for not less than five nor more than 40 years.

Notice that this page refers to a “fetus!”

If the baby was newborn — it’s not a fetus. “Fetus” is only used to refer to an early stage of development.

These people are so nuts, it’s beyond belief.

From the actual Virginia government website: LIS - Code of Virginia - 32.1-249 - Definitions.

2. “Fetal death” means death prior to the complete expulsion or extraction from its mother of a product of human conception, regardless of the duration of pregnancy; death is indicated by the fact that after such expulsion or extraction the fetus does not breathe or show any other evidence of life such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of voluntary muscles.

Almost too crazy for words.