
Louisiana Reaps What It Sowed

Salamantis2/14/2009 5:01:42 pm PST

re: #431 TradeBait

And yet that is exactly what many mainstream physicists propose. They believe our universe is but one of an infinite number of universes, all floating around like bubbles in the bath. They contend that a disturbance or eruption in another existing universe may have been the source of the big bang that created our cosmos.

Actually, multiverse ‘theory’ is much like string ‘theory’; both are mathematical castles in the air, without a single shred of supporting empirical evidence. They are better known as hypotheses or conjectures. OTOH, relativity theory and quantum mechanics have both been empirically verified countless times; therefore, it is reasonable to assume that any GUTOE (grand unified theory of everything) would have to include them both as special cases. Garrett Lisi’s E8 theory does just that, which is why I am eagerly awaiting its verification or falsification via the search for the elusive Higgs Boson soon to take place in the LHC (large hadron collider).