
Pink Bibles Recalled Because of Abortion Cooties

Aceofwhat?12/15/2011 5:26:49 pm PST

re: #439 SanFranciscoZionist

I’m thinking of joining the Y again, and seeing about a yoga or Pilates class to strengthen the back and get it into line. It’s just that my life is so nutty right now, I don’t know if I’d really go.

You’d be amazed what you can do at home! I’m flying to Ohio every week, remember, but 30 minutes of holding planks and moving dumbbells around every other day has really helped me not to look and feel like I travel so much.

And I only use dumbbells because I’m a boy and I’m trying to not lose muscle. Girls can just do pure yoga-type moves with their body weight and still get an excellent workout.