
Friday Night Blues: Joe Bonamassa, 'Stop'

Charles Johnson10/02/2009 11:03:17 pm PDT

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that just because I’m completely fed up with the loonies on the right — and I am — that it means I’m suddenly OK with saying “screw them” about fellow Americans who are horribly murdered.

I give Daily Kos some credit for cleaning up the craziness at their site. They have cleaned it up in large part. You don’t see the ugly antisemitic diaries that used to be very common.

I appreciate the sane people who I may not agree with on every political point, but who aren’t deranged. And I’d like to see more dialog between the left and right, and less demonization.

But I repeat — this is a two-way street. Just because I don’t want to join forces with the religious right and the paleocons and the fascists, doesn’t mean I’m suddenly just fine with the ultra-leftists.