
Video: Elizabeth Warren Says TPP Deal Is "Rigged"

Khal Wimpo (free internal organs upon request!)4/23/2015 11:28:39 am PDT

re: #40 No Country For Old Haters

When they roll copyright back to 28 years, I’ll accept the US dictating copyright terms. As it is with copyright locking down our culture to protect profits instead of the public good, I can’t support it.

AKA the “Make Mickey Mouse our property until the sun turns black” provision that Disney has used every time copyright is set to expire. The collateral damage that inflicts, all in the name of preserving the $$ for The House Of Mouse, is one of the things that holds back innovation and small business, in favor of existing megacorps.

Yes, the piracy is off the hook in Asia, LatAm, Africa, Eastern Europe, etc. But these are users who cannot/would not pay U.S. prices for content anyway. I worked in East Africa for a couple years. No way was some average guy going to fork over $25 for a DVD, when that represents a week’s wages. Or $2600 for the Adobe software suite.

People will pay a price that makes sense to them. When that is not possible - and demand remains inelastic - they will find other ways (aka black market).