
Fox News Debate Ringers: Anti-Immigrant Hate Group and Corporate Shill

Mad Prophet Ludwig9/23/2011 12:22:24 pm PDT

re: #40 dragonfire1981

I’m a legal immigrant. I made the choice to come here and marry my wife. I filed all the documents, paid all the money and did everything right.

I’ve even been employed pretty much all the way through so it’s not like I came here to be a drain to society or anything.

I love much about America and the new friends and family I’ve made down here, but to think people would have me leave simply because I’m a foreigner blows my mind.

It’s almost enough to make me consider second guessing my desire to obtain U.S. citizenship. Do I really want to live in a country who feels this way about immigrants?

What the hell ever happened to the tired, poor and huddled masses?

Ahh don’t worry about it… The GOP is fine with white immigrants from Canada and Europe.