
Overnight Bird

iceweasel11/18/2009 8:14:09 am PST

re: #443 lawhawk

As for your insistence that the “bungled evidence gathering and procedures by the Bush administration”, may I remind you that this is a war, and not a law enforcement action. Many of those detained were captured on the battlefield, and are members of a terrorist group engaged in a war against the US. Evidence isn’t exactly the first thing soldiers are thinking about when someone is shooting at them.

Ah yes, the usual excuse given for the massive bungling by the Bush admin. Those people didn’t wind up at Gitmo because they were shooting at someone— they’re there for other reasons, for terrorism (allegedly). Why do you suppose they’ve been held so long? Do you think Bush just ‘forgot’ to have military tribunals or dispose of their cases?

From your posts, it seems you believe there is no problem with the evidence against them, and no problem having military tribunals for all of them. So why do you think it didn’t happen under the Bush admin?