
The Obligatory iPhone 4 Review

Targetpractice8/06/2010 9:06:28 pm PDT

re: #427 austin_blue


So confused! The proponents of Prop 8 are appealing to the 9th District Court. Haven’t they read the judgement? I mean what are they appealing? They got spanked on every single point!

This is going direct to the Supremes.

She Who Must Be Obeyed and I are postponing our divorce because this ruling makes our marriage moot until we see (as we say say in Texas) what transgresses. I hope I can stay married to my wife, but if Homos are allowed to marry each other, my marriage is obviously pointless.

Seems more like children throwing a hissy fit, after reading the details of the ruling. My guess is they’ll bitch and whine about the judge’s “bias” and how it should be grounds for overturning the decision. Pay no attention to the fact that this “biased” judge reduced their “case” to ashes, he’s “gay” and thus his ruling is “wrong.”