
BP Covering Up Spill's Effects?

Charles Johnson6/02/2010 4:03:02 pm PDT

re: #413 Jimmah

Yep. I think Israel needs to be a lot smarter in future in handling situations like this. Clumsy and predictable responses will only invite more such debacles.

I honestly believe one of the biggest planning mistakes was sending soldiers into a situation they apparently knew might turn violent, armed only with paintball guns. That must have been a real encouragement to the brave jihadi warriors, because this type always gets bolder when faced with an enemy that’s obviously weaker. And if you’re using paintballs in a confined space against people with metal clubs and K-Bar knives, you’re going to get your ass kicked.

Big mistake. Better weaponry might have forestalled the violence. The brave warriors tend to back down in the face of superior firepower.