
Herman Cain Harassment Victim's News Conference

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)11/04/2011 7:29:01 pm PDT

re: #454 Buck

Sure he can. They informed him of the results of the investigation, but not the details of the agreement. The lawyer today said “it’s conceivable that Cain didn’t even know about it.”

It’s concievable, but not according to Cain, who has said that he knew it was only ‘two or three months salary’, and not the ‘huge’ payout she was attempting.

Is there some reason you think Cain is lying when he said that? I mean, aside from the fact that it contradicts other things he said, so he must be lying at some point?

Sometimes the payment is less money than the cost of going to court. Also sometimes insurance takes over and tries to save money. Your statement that “There is no company on earth that determines claims to be baseless and then pays up anyway; ” is a lie.

No, it’s not, Buck. A company may determine that the claim may or may not be true but they might lose in court. But if they determine it’s baseless, that’s something they’d be confident about defending in court. Courts aren’t places where the word of ‘victims’ are automatically taken.

Companies settle all the time cases that are grey areas. They do not settle claims they know are baseless.