
Video: ShapeShifter

Walter L. Newton1/11/2011 10:07:26 am PST

re: #446 Charles

I don’t know how to be any clearer than that. I saw a lot of comments from you belittling people who called you out on your trolling, but you also openly admit that it’s what you do. It gets old, Walter.

I am old Charles, and I’m not doing anything I haven’t done for about 7 years. Nothing has changed from my end. And I make my points in various ways, and there is always going to be someone who doesn’t like it. I’m not sure if my job is to play nice with everyone, there’s just some people and some ideas I don’t agree with.

I do nothing in the blogosphere to throw any dispersions on LGF, I don’t hang around the stalkers blogs, I don’t cross post, I don’t scheme and plan behind anyones back, I’m quite out in the open.

And when I get into a snit with another Lizard, we work it out. Either on here, or in personal communications. But bottom line, some people don’t like me, maybe you included, but that’s what makes politics, as they say.