
Bon Iver: Michicant

Gus1/02/2012 8:58:40 am PST

From their website:

Some of the many topics we want to hear more about

- Cloud security
- Mobile Hacking and Telecommunications Security
- Privacy
- Net Neutrality and Censorship
- Copyright
- Exploitation Techniques
- Video Game Culture and Art
- Cryptography and Cryptoanalysis
- Reverse Engineering
- Forensics and Anti-Forensics
- Web Security
- Electronic Music and Literature
- Retrocomputing
- Economical Systems – think about collapsing financial markets and anonymous money transfers
- Constructivist Epistemology
- Artificial Intelligence and Robotics – machine learning, humanoid robots, RoboCup, autonomous cars
- Transportation Hacking – with electronics and bus systems
- Studies about Social Networks – e.g. how different networks are being used
- The Long Tail – crowdsourcing, crowdcasting, crowdfunding, peer to peer
- Media and Internet Technologies in education
- Cyberspace identities and gender issues
- Law Enforcement Activities and Active Countersurveillance
- Revolutions
- Hacktivism
- Handling Transparency in Governmental Affairs
- Micropayment and electronic currencies
- Transportation hacking – with electronics and bus systems
- Cooking and Baking with Club-Mate
- Fun with large datasets and visualizing data
- Social Justice on the Internet
- Media and Internet Technologies in Education
- Conspiracy Theories