
We Got Mail!

yesandno4/09/2009 3:41:34 pm PDT

re: #382 opnion

Fairness is the issue, that’s the predicate for wealth redistribution.
The idea that Socialism eradictes poverty is curious since there is rampant poverty in Socialist countries.
Our poor in this country are not tripping the life fantastic, but they have a standard of living that much of the world would envy.

And within this issue of fairness is the belief that wealth is finite. You can only make the poor richer by making the rich poorer. They never understand that wealth can be infinite. Every year more people are born and eventually work and add wealth to the economy…that doesn’t mean there is less to go around. People can be so much more productive then in the past. So is the value of their work.

As long as everyone presents it as a zero-sum game, there is not going to be much logic in the whole argument of taking from one group and giving to another. In stead of raising everyone one up to the level of the rich person—and that takes work—they can only explain their failures as the result of someone else being successful…thus successful people stole that success from others.

Trying to convince someone that we could all rise up is almost impossible if they were raised as victims.